Several species of primates, such as orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and other extinct species, are considered evolutionary relatives of humans.
The truth behind it is all in the DNA. Also, the idea is taken from the similarities in the anatomy of a chimp compared to a human. As you can see in
this image, there is
98% genetic similarity. That's only two percent of a genetic change. Coincidence? Many people would argue not. Interesting, right? The primates fall into the hominids family, as do humans, so we're classified as similar creatures. The neural systems of chimps are actually slightly more advanced than most animals, and can sometimes be trained to do work for humans, like carrying things and helping with various tasks. There are also chimpanzees that are trained to speak, in a human way, and be able to communicate with humans. In a way, it's another form of grouping them with humans, and categorizing them in a single classification with us. For more information, go to the site below-
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