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Dangerous chemicals in human breastmilk?
On May 16 of 2012, NPR did an author interview with Florence Williams on "Fresh Air." She told them that she had two children. She was nursing with her second child when she read a research study about the toxins human breast milk. She became curious and decided to send a sample of her own to a lab in Germany. The results of her test surprised her. Pesticides. Dioxin. An ingredient of jet fuel. All found in the sample. How, though? How would the chemicals get in there, anyway? "It turns out that our breasts are almost like sponges, the way they can soak up some of these chemicals, especially the ones that are fat-loving — the ones [that] tend to accumulate in fat tissue," Williams tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross. "Unfortunately, the breast is also masterful at converting these molecules into food in the way of breast milk."
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