Apparently, the researchers at the University of Virginia found a direct link from the brain and the immune system in June of 2015. Thousands of medical students had been taught otherwise. It's said that many brain diseases, such as autism and Alzheimer's, will be looked at with a significant difference. The treatment and study of such diseases will be more advanced. It just goes to show that in the world of technology and understanding, including health science, the world is always changing. It never slows down. "The discovery was made possible by the work of Antoine Louveau, a postdoctoral fellow in Kipnis’ lab. The vessels were detected after Louveau developed a method to mount a mouse’s meninges – the membranes covering the brain – on a single slide so that they could be examined as a whole."
for more, go to the site above, which tells about the study and how it was done in more detail, and from a firsthand account.