Our world. A comparatively small, perfectly round sphere of gasses with a chunk of dirt expanding from the center. The only planet within human's proven portion of imagination, or factual knowledge, that is proven to have life and agreed upon by all humans that inhabit it. Every few millenniums or so, the world freezes up and is slowly and partially engulfed in a large, solid, sheet of ice and several glaciers. Then it changes back to a comfortable state, known as an interglacial. The icy periods have a long scientific term as well but are commonly known as ice ages among laymen.
The world is heating up. Gasoline cars, industrial factories, and coal burning are pouring carbon dioxide into our little air tank. The heat is actually pushing the ice age back, causing it not to happen. It might happen very soon, because it has been quite a while since the last ice age.
If we don't stop, there could be a massive greenhouse effect. If we do stop, there could be an ice age. So the human race compels us to ask the question: What do we do?
I, personally, think there needs to be a balance, just like their needs to be a balance in most things. Your diet, your bank account, and now this.
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